[Lore] Sith-Rasse

    [Lore] Sith-Rasse

    Eine aktuelle Beschreibung aus der SWTOR-Encyclopedia:

    Sith Purebloods

    With a predispotion to Force-sensitivity due to their ancestral heritage, those known as purebloodes Sith enjoy unique status in the Empire. From birth, these red-skinned purebloods are positioned at the top of the hierarchy with a strong expectation that they will live up to their bloodlines. It is ironic, therefore, that "pureblooded" Sith are technically hybrids, a result of millennia of interbreeding between the native Sith species of Korriban and a group of exhiled human Jedi. Though initially primitive, the red-skinned Sith species adopted the technology and culture of these exiles, eventually combining to form a powerful civilization that streched across much of Korriban. Sith purebloods, unlike human Sith, can trace their ancestry back to the golden age of the Sith Empire and its greatest heroes.

    The original Sith species technically no longer exists, its genetic remnants live on in the Sith purebloods themselves and in the legendary Massassi. One the name of the warrior caste of the Sith species, the Massassi are now fearsome, red-skinned savages who haunt the jungles of worlds like Yavin IV. Occasionally the Massassi have been called to serve the Sith Lords such as Exar Kun or Naga Sadow in war, and earned a reputation as ferocious warriors. Even today, the Massassi guard the tombs of their former masters, while pureblooded Sith look on their primitive, distant, cousins with faint disdain.
    Because of their birth and privileged status, pureblooded Sith are often intolerant of alien species, even more so than the rest of Sith society. Darth Ikoral, a Sith Lord with an unusualy strong pureblooded lineage, was known for his hatred of aliens and even refused to tolerate the presence of alien slaves. With the Dark Council´s permission, he eventually left Dromund Kaasto seek out other pureblooded Sith who might have escaped the Republic after the Great Hyperspace War. Darth Ikoral´s fleet was gone so long that he was eventually believed dead. To those left behind, his tireless devotion to purity came to symbolize the strength that comes with the blood of the ancient Sith - a sign that purebloods are truly superior


    Distrincitve Feature:
    Red skinned, facial tendrils or bone spurs, yellow eyes

    Cultural Status:
    Considered the privileged caste of imperial society

    Biological Traits:
    Often Force-Sensitive; may show more or fewer "pureblooded"-features depending on lineage

    Notable Sith Purebloods:
    Darth Ikoral, Naga Sadow, Darth Vowrawn

    - SWTOR: Encyclopedia


    Anmerkung des Zitierers:
    Gerade die Herkunft, die Technologie, die "Gründung" der Gesellschaft, beisst sich in diesem Artikel mit dem nahezu zeitgleich verfassten "Book of Sith". Daher folgt ein Abschnitt aus dem Book of Sith der die erste Analyse der Spezies und Gesellschaft aus der Sicht Sorzus Syns beschreibt.

    Proud people of the Sith

    I guided our creaking galeon through the hyperspace breakwater known as the Stygian Caldera, which could not have been accomplished without command of the Force.
    For this reason, navigators have found no true routes into Sith Space, only blind jumps. Those who are strong with the dark side, like myself, can sense the way, as a Devlikk can sense magnetic north.

    We touched down on Korriban - the world that screams the loudest for those who can hear the dark side's voice. It is on Korriban that the Sith Purebloods began; it is here that they often return in death. We stepped out of the cramped reek of our interstelar prison into the light of an unfamiliar sun. Grand tombs carved from the planet´s stone surrounded us. The sand was littered with the bones of a thousand kings.

    The Sith greeted us. Despite out obvious superior powers, we were not hailed as gods when we arrived. It took weeks for us to understand the power structure of their culture, to undermine it, and to annihilate the current king. Ajunta Pall beheaded their ruler, Hakargram Graush, and claimed the throne as the blood heir to the ancestral King Adas - and we became his Shadow Hands.

    From that time on, I made it my goal to understand the Sith, Sith Space, and the treasures that might await us in this realm. Dreypa´s fleet experience at last proved useful as the two of us mapped the local hyperlanes. Would that he had shown such competence in defending Corbos!

    Our work identified the looping hyperspace lanes within the Stygian Caldera that contain the planets of the Sith Empire. The Nache Bhelfia route links Ziost, Khar Delba, Rhelg, Krayiss, and Korriban - the five worlds most sacred to the Sith.

    Ziost has been the throneworld of the Sith Purebloods since prehistory. It is where we errected our own palaces to rule as Sith Lords. The Sith respect power, and they are content to serve us.

    In fact, the Sith Purebloods are marvels. They are people driven by hunger, rage, and the dark side. Though they are humanoid in form, their tough hides span hues from crimson to obsidion - and their hands and feet are clawed. Two thick, fleshy tendrils dangel from their cheeks or jaws and two more tendrils protrude from their temples.

    After much experimentation, I have concluded that their blood is sufficiently similar to our own to permit alchemical crossbreeding. I know Dreypa, for one, has had his eye on a Sith priestess. He will be pleased to learn his bloodline will not only persist but thrive!

    The Sith Purebloods are strong in the Force, but they do not outmatch us. They are routet in primitivism, while we were once the Republic´s greatest Jedi. They have discovered many secrets, some unknown to any other beeings in the galaxy. But their unshakable caste structure instills obedience and purpose, which serve us well as their overlords.

    Those of us who came to this world with rank and ambition make up Ziosts new Sith Council. Ajunta Pall is our Dark Lord, or Jen'ari. Force willing his reign will be short.

    We are served by their priests, the Kissai, who have come to worship us as demigods. They regard Ajunta Pall as the manifestation of Typhojem, the Left-Handed God, and are thus easily persuaded to do our bidding.

    Their engineers, the Zuguruk, are loyal but they build far too many burial mounds and too few battleships. I must convice Pall of the need to redirect the laborers - or his title must be taken by force.

    Our greatest asset is their warriors, the Massassi, who are nothing more than brute muscle animated by consciousness. They are expendable, yet we must breed more if we are to strike back against the Republic, which has shunned and humiliated us.

    The slaves, a rabble of mixed species, are collectively scorned with the epithet Grotthu. After experiencing the artifice of the Republic´s slavery bans, it´s refreshing to see the weakness of inferiors affirmed and exploited for gain!

    -Sorzus Syn

    - The Book of Sith

    Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail....
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