[Zitate-Book of Sith] Sith-Alchemie, Gegenstände, Kreaturen, Hexerei

      [Zitate-Book of Sith] Sith-Alchemie, Gegenstände, Kreaturen, Hexerei


      Dieser Thread beinhaltet reine Zitate aus dem "Book of Sith".
      Die Zeilen wurden "IC" von Sorzus Syn, einer der 12 Dunklen Jedi, die im Zuge der Hundertjährigen Dunkelheit von den Jedi verbannt wurde, auf Korriban landete, die Sith kennenlernte und zu einer Dunklen Lord der Sith wurde, verfasst.

      Die Worte stammen demnach grob aus den Jahren 2300 VVC. Die genannten Kasten (Kissai, Zuguruk, Massassi) existieren heute nicht mehr.

      Für das IC:
      Gerade die Beschwörungen / Incantations sind hier beispielhaft aufgeführt und bewegen sich weit über dem Niveau eines einfachen Sith!


      Sith Weapons

      They may be primitive, but the Sith Purebloods are worthy of respect - not only for their skill with the dark side but also for their hunger for war.
      The Zuguruk caste has built siege engines and has even developed technologiestat can tear aparet a star's heart. However, most warfare within Sith Space occurs when the combatants can lock gazes before trading blows. Their death-dealing tools are as admirable for their craftsmanship as for their lethality.

      Sith sword:
      While we exiles wileded lightsabers when we fought the Hundred-Year Darkness, the Sith have developed edged weapons honed and strengthened through the Force - mirrors of the swords carried by the first Jedi on Tython. These swords are heavy and require two hands to wield, except for the most mammoth of the Massassi, who can handle them with one hand. The swords can deflect plasma bolts and withstand the energy of a lightsaber blade. Each acts as a reservoir of dark side power.

      Sith war sword:
      This two-bladed staff requires great skill to wield and is seldom issed to crude foot soldiers. Ajunta Pall executed Hakagram Graush using Graush's own war sword. I have kept the weapon and plan to use the dried blood upon the blade in my alchemy.

      This is a battle weapon of the Massassi. When swung, these range weapons release a a spray of whirling razor disks. The armored soldiers of Domoru Krev wear lanvarok gauntlets on their left arm.

      When thworn, this curved blade returns to its user's hand, unless it has been thrown into the skull of an enemy. It is reminiscent of the weapons carried in antiquity by the Royale Mecheteros of the Kashi Mer. I have no doubt we can improve it further.

      The shikkar is the tool of assassins. It can be as long as a forearm, yet it is easily concealed beneath robes. A twist of the handle after stabbing a victim will snap the glassy blade off and leave it to fester beneath the skin.

      Sith poison:
      The Poisoners of Malkii would burn with envy at how the Sith have mastered the subtle art. In battle, the Sith coat their blades and darts with poison. They have also been known to lace the drinking goblets of rivals. The poison can cause pain, paralysis, death, or blood frenzy. But with every generation of Sith, the poison must be improved to compensate for the species' improved immunities.


      Sith Amulets

      These melee weapons of the Sith are carried by the brute Massassi, but their amulets require more skill. Many among the Kissai priests wear these baubles around their neck to deepen their link to the dark side of the Force.

      Minor amulets can create protective shields, knit injured flesh, sharpen battle focus, or energize weakened muscles. However, great amulets are priceless and often unique. Users must first overcome the amulet's seductive song. For if they can't, they will be forever lost to dark side insanity. I have acquired many of these prizes for myself, but I remain restless knowing that many more lie locked in the tombs of Korriban.

      Of the amulets I have encountered, these are the most powerful:

      Sith abbatar:
      Were it not for this relict, I would not have attained such easy mastery of the Sith tongue. The abbatar translates any language spoken or written, and atrtunes its wearer to maddening chatter of ghosts.

      Yoke of Seeming:
      This golden armature burns the skin, but through illusion it makes the wearer appear as anyone or anything. I had meant to study this treasure before XoXaan stubbornly seized it for herself.

      Heart of Graush:
      The dead king Dathka Graush replaced his own heart with this fist-sized ruby, which constained the souls of his foes. When paired with the Helm of Graush, the wielder can control the forces of nature.

      Meditation sphere:
      The Sith Space-going vessel is not an amulet one can grasp or wear. It is an amulet that encompasses its possessor. The arcane geometries of the vessel's cabin can amplify the passanger's spell a thousandfold in every direction.

      Muur Talisman:
      Karness Muur requested I create this, but it shall be my triumph. My experimentation with the Heart of Graush and my alchemic mastery of raising Sithspawn will culminate in the first Great Amulet to be worn by one of the Lords of the Sith. Its power will transform the feeble-minded into braying rakghouls, whose actions are the result of the wearer's desire. It will also preserve the wearer's spirit should he fall in combat. Though Karness will receive the first, I will complete more than one amulet. The second will go to Dreypa, so those two fools can battle other unceasingly. The third shall be far stronger than the others, and it shall me mine alon.


      Sith Holocrons

      As the end of our seventh day, with slaves running low, we penetrated the Sanctum of Sakkra-Kla. This sacred tomb had apparently lain undistributed since its sealing more than ten thousand years before. It brimmed with wonders.

      Here I found scrolls detailing Sith alchemy. I found the preserved body of a terentatek. I lost six more slaves to a rapacious pack of tuk'ata. And most impressive of all, I found the Holocron of King Nakgru.

      Yes, holocrons exist in Sith Space. Sith Holocrons are technologically identical to the Jedi Holocrons of the Republik, but they possess dark side refinements that make them ultimately superior.

      Scholars knio that a holocron is a box of crystalline lattices, which are capable of housing near-infinite amounts of priceless data. These matrices can aligned ony through precise and exhausting application of the Force. A completed holocron can be accessed only by Force users. To navigate a holocron's secrets, one must speak to its gatekeepers - a holographic echo of the device's builder that retain a measure of the builder's spirit. Constructing a holocron can take months, and a single misstep will collaps the device into dust.

      All this is known to the Jedi as well. I believe the Sith Purebloods may have built their first holocron after wresting the secrets from the ancient alien conquerors, the Rakata. Thus the Jedi may simply have copied the Rakatans. But Sith Holocrons are distinct and devious. The are pyramidal - not cubical - to replicate the angles of power found not only within Sith tombs but also within Sith culture. Their exteriors are carved with hieroglyphics, and stylized figures from the sorcerous seal that casts curses on unworthy seekers.

      The central crystal is the color of smoke, and is both a power source and a repository for the gatekeeper's data ghost. This capstone must be etched with the builder's spirit in a Force ritual calles the Rite of Commencement. Destruction of a capstone will release its gatekeeper, and one would be wise to flee rather than face down a vengeful specter.



      The holocron revealed much about the creation of warbeasts, but Ziost's breeding pens provided more immediate educations. What a delight to have landed amidts fellow twisters of Life! Among the Kissai are the Ninûshwodzakut, whose title translated as "Knotters of Entrails". Through alchemy and manipulated breeding, they have birthed many hungry creatures to toil and kill for the Sith.

      The silooth are mutated from beetles. Long ago, the Sith scattered thema across the world of Kalsunor. The click of their mandibles became a dire drumbeat. These tank-sized scavengers can still be found on the planet, melting its ruined cities with sprays of acid. The Sith keep swarms of them in reserve for another campain.

      During the same war that birthed the silooth, the Sith introduced the warbirds and the war behemoth. Mainstray among the Massassi infantry even today, the warbirds are used as mounted assault avians than can carry a rider into battle and rip apart enemy soldiers with their beaks. The gargantuan behemoths are used a little differently - as trooper carriers or walking weapon platforms.

      The guardian beasts called tuk'ata stand watch over the tombs and protect them from desecration. They have long been the royal companions of Sith Kings. They possess great tactical intelligence and can live for centuries without feeding. I would have died in the Tomb of Din Grrut had I not fed a Sith slave to a tuk'ata.

      The dark side dragons known as hssiss feed on rage and carry a toxin that can infect a victim with bloodfrenzy in a single bite. The hatchlings of these beasts are exquisite. They crawl from their shells only after a throng of dark siders have been murdered in their presence.

      Among the most recent creations of the Kissai is the terentatek. What a marvel of raw gluttomy! The terentatek feeds on Force-rich blood and thus hunts Sith Purebloods exclusively. The Sith use them against enemies yet fear the inevitable retaliation.

      A curious who-headed reptilian creature was recently birthed from the offal of ten thousand sacrificial birds. It is armed with a poison-tipped tail. I have classified it as a battle hydra, but I have yet to name the creature. My slaves are building an aviary for my three specimens.

      Some beasts are built to tear down enemy fortifications as my Leviathans and the chrysalides are. These Sith beasts are nature advanced to perfection. I do not know which animal produced the first stock, but the chrysalides we have in the subzero paddocks are nothing but teeth, claws, bulks, ans sinew. Also among the Sith stronghold are the war wyrms. I recognize these creatures of Florn by the shape of their siege weapon. It has been grown to such a size that it could span the highest of Coruscant's spires. I am eager to test one against the ramparts of the Jedi Temple.


      Sith Alchemy

      None of these creatures arises from nature. They are bred for their extreme forms. Breeding has limits, however. It takes generations, whereas alchemy is immediate - and forever. Through alchemy, one uses the Force to effect change on the physical.

      I was the greatest of the master summoners who fought in the Hundred-Year Darkness. My inspirations came to me in rumors and dreams, and only now, in the minaret of Ziost, do I realize it was the call of the Sith all along. Sith alchemists have had ages to perfect their art, and their knowledge is now mine.

      Sith alchemy is applied to both the living and the nonliving. Each is a distinct discipline of study, with the latter being better suited for new apprentices.

      Alchemy on the nonliving is far simpler because there are no living cells to resists you. This science is used to create amulets and enhance weapons. Any object touched with alchemical science will become Force-sensitive itself, forever retaining a mirror imprint of its forger.

      Alchemy on the living is suited only for Masters. The subject's own Force energy will fight you as you twist ans shape the host. By recasting the shape again and again, you will get a Leviathan.


      Sith Incantations

      Alchemy is my science, yet I found the Sith Purebloods possess a new understanding of how to manipulate the dark side. I sought the secrets of spellcasting in my pilfered holocron, but its guardian was jealous. Casting my net wider, I recovered scrolls submerged in the blood slurry of the Mongrel Altar. They were concealed behing a mural of King Adas at the Eternal Pyre, interred alongside the headless body of Wyrmuk the Undying. Reading one of these grear scrolls invariably unleashed a curse. I have found that the longer I must fight off horrors, blindless, or liquefaction, the more valuable is the information the scroll contains.

      It is not sufficiant to simply use Force powers, as the Jedi teach. Ritual gives spellcasting added power. Memorize the incantations, speak them with conviction, and weave the invisible lines of power through gesture. Through this, I have changed the world in ways my teachers never imagined.

      Sutta Chwiruskak, or Bolt of Hatred
      By focusing your rage on the ones who stand against you, you can conjure a spark of dark energy to pierce their flesh.

      Odojinya, or Dark Side Web
      WIth quick and precise finger slashes, you can spin a tracery of Force tendrils to block a sword or blind a foe.

      Qâzoi Kyantuska, or Suppress Tought
      By first addling your victim's brain and then supplanting the quieted thoughs with the sound of your own voice, you can control the will of another.

      Dwomutsiqsa, or Summon Demon
      By concentrating on tghe air and energy around you, you can call forth a manifestation of the dark side. A dreambeast has no true form. Its shape is whatever its victim fears most. A smoke demon can travel as windblown miasma or coalesce into solid form when commanded to attack. It can vaporize the body of a victim by entering its nose or mouth, though it is vulnerable to Force-based counterattacks.

      Tsaiwinokka Hoyakur, or Reanimated Dead
      This complex spell animated both the freshly dead and the skeletons of the carrion fields, transforming them into an unstoppable legion impervious to pain and able to transmit a necromancy infection by biting. I would have taken pleasure in meeting with Dathka Graush, who died decades before our arrival. Though he is gone, it was he who melded alchemy and spellcastingto perfect necromancy.

      Words have power. Proof is in the Sith scrolls I acquired. When read, they release malevolence as a safeguard against those who would unlock their secrets. Better to leave hundreds blinded with a binding curse than surrender power to a single fool.

      The abilitied described in the ancient Sith language are new and astonishing. It is clear that in all the eons since the Jedi left Tython, they have never divined the valkue of incantations. When a Sith sorcerer speaks, he gives voice to the thousand mages who went before him. If armed with the proper commands and trappings, the dark side can be bound, leashed, and led down any path of your choosing.

      Sith spells that require vocalizations are written in the Sith tongue, and consequently must be pronounced as such. Be aware that it is more than recitations! Your inflections must be both precise and passionate. Speak with hesitation, and the spell may haunt you instead.

      Most incantations have a specific meter and rhyme, and thus cannot be modified. The most complex incantations unleash spells of volcanic intensity.

      Spells, however, require time to prepare and recite - they are challenging to use during combat. Sith kings often remove their best sorcerers from the battlefield's scrum, positioning them atop high parapets where thy rain curses upon the enemy's legions below.

      The potency of incantations can be enhanced with amulets and runic raiment. Robes, known as the Wraps of Frost, are inked with hexes and draw power form the mummy they shroud. For a hundred years, that power grows as it steeps in the mummy's dark energies.

      Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail....
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