[Lore] Der Imperiale Bergungsdienst

    [Lore] Der Imperiale Bergungsdienst

    "The Imperial Reclemation Service shores up the Empire's foundations against the flood of forgetfulness and misinformation that threatens our history"
    - Lieutenent Talos Drellik, Imperial Reclemation Service Officer


    Der Imperiale Bergungsdienst

    Die größte Stärke des Imperiums liegt nicht in Waffen und Armeen, sondern in der fanatischen Macht der dunklen Seite. Der Rat der Sith hat daher den Imperialen Bergungsdienst ins Leben gerufen, der die Galaxis nach den legendären Artefakten der Sith durchkämmen soll. Seither wurde der Dienst erweitert und hat nun die Aufgabe, jegliches alte Objekt aus jeder Kultur herbeizuschaffen, sei es technisch oder religiös - Hauptsache, es kommt dem Imperium irgendwie zugute.

    Technisch gesehen stellt der Bergungsdienst eine Abteilung des Militärs dar und besteht aus verschiedenen Gelehrten und Archäologen, die mit erfahrenen Offizieren zusammenarbeiten, denen die nötigsten geschichtlichen Fakten beigebracht wurden. Der Bergungsdienst wird zwar von den regulären Soldaten manchmal misstrauisch beäugt oder auch belächelt, aber Sith-Lords und hohe Beamte sind sich darüber im Klaren, dass der Bergungsdienst letztendlich ganz allein den galaktischen Machtkampf entscheiden könnte.

    In Welten, die dem Imperium unterstehen, hat der Bergungsdienst genug Ressourcen wie auch die nötige Autorität, um massive Ausgrabungen in Gang zu setzen, wenn es danach aussieht, als ließen sich wertvolle Artefakte finden. In neutralen Welten und solchen, die zur Republik gehören, muss er allerdings im Geheimen operieren, um verlorengegangene Schätze zu bergen, bevor sie dem Feind in die Hände fallen.


    Imperial Reclemation Service

    A specialized Branch of the Imperial military, the Imperial Reclamation Service locates and investigates ancient ruins on planets all over the galaxy. Although it is commonly assumed that Reclemation forces are interested only in Sith ruins, any undocumented structures, technologies, or records from the past fall under the organization's purview. Most Reclemation Service activities are centered on imperial controlled planets, allowing them to undertake their research with cautious precision, but the group will not hesitate to carry out covert missions on neutral or Republic-aligned worlds in order to retrieve items of particular interest.

    History of the Historians

    After the Sith Dark Council was initially formed, each member of the group took on a seperate sphere of influence, one of which dealt primarily with ancient knowledge. In those days, only the Sith themeselves were allowed to explore ancient ruins and unlock the secrets of dark side power within, as non-Force sensitives were thought to be too inferior to examine such cultural treasures appropriately. However, the Dark Council member in charge of the ancient knowledge, Darth Zavakon, soon discovered that his Sith underlings rarely reported or documented their full findings, instead withholding information to empower themselves over their rivals. Such cunning and ambition were admirable, of course, but ultimately detrimental to the knowledge base of the Empire as a whole.

    Observing the impressive discipline and accomplishment of the newly formed Imperial military, Darth Zavakon requisitioned a small group of well-educated officers and grouped them with civilian historical experts. After a brief period of cross-training, Zavakon deployed the combined group to examine the same ruins that his predecessors had supposedly picked clean. When Zavakon presented the group's findings to the Dark Council, they were sincerely impressed: Zavakon's experts had found details and made connections that the previous explorers missed entirely, and documented the teachings of ancient Sith lords such as Ajunta Pall and Tulak Hord that had been lost for centuries. With the Dark Council's agreement, Darth Zavakon made his group an official part of the military, tasked with continuing the work they had so admirably started. This, the Imperial Reclemation Service was born.

    Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail....
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