[Lore] Imperiale Navy - Schiffsbeschreibungen

    [Lore] Imperiale Navy - Schiffsbeschreibungen

    Harrower-Class Dreadnought

    The mainstay of the imperial navy and active symbol of the Empire´s power, Harrower-class dreadnoughts are among the most powerful and deadly starships ever designed. The ship´s wedge-shaped hull allows virtually all of its firepower to be concentrated directly forward, while also helping to minimize the ship´s massive profile and deflect damage from head-on fire. Most servicemen consider the Harrower to be the high standard against which all other Imperial ships are judged, and these ships' cres often conduct themselves accordingly, offering only token respect for anyone who serves on a "lesser" vessel.

    Crew complement:

    Troop capacity:

    Starfighter capacity:

    Additional craft:
    32 Bombers, 35 Shuttles

    Standard armament:
    Turbolaser cannons, Quad-laser turrets, ion cannons, proton torpedo tubes, concussion missile launchers

    - SWTOR: Encyclopedia


    Terminus-Class Destroyer

    Unlike the Empire´s other ship designs, the Terminus-class destroyer is built for speed over firepower, although it still outguns most Republic ships of similar size. Like the Harrower dreadnought, the Terminus also relies on a wedge-like shape to minimize its forward profile while maximizing forward firepower. Coupled with the ship´s powerful engines, the Terminus is the perfect design for interdiction ans pursuit missions. Service on a Terminus destroyer is often the first capital ship assignement for new naval officers and crewmen, giving them an opportunity to prove their mettle before transitioning larger ship classes like the Harrower.

    Crew complement:

    Troop capacity:

    Starfighter capacity:

    Additional craft:
    2 Bombers, 3 Shuttles

    Standard armament:
    Turbolaser cannons, laser turrets, ion cannon, concussion missile launchers

    - SWTOR: Encyclopedia

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